14 Wharfside StreetCharleston, SC 29401
Museum open 10am to 5pm (last entry 4:00 PM) Tuesday-Sunday. Closed Monday.
14 Wharfside Street — Charleston, SC 29401
Mar 09, 2023
We are excited to move into the next phase of preparations for the opening of the museum. As part of our continuing commitment to recognize, partner, and learn from the communities on which we call for support and inspiration, IAAM has begun launching a series of pre-opening guided experiences and events that serve two essential functions:
To honor and recognize those who have contributed to our collections and to the stories told and represented in the MuseumTo conduct multiple, practical testings of the building in preparation for the Museum’s Grand OpeningOver these next final months of preparation for our public opening, we are focused on understanding how our museum and garden spaces can best welcome our visitors. This learning journey includes both museum-hosted and partner-hosted previews and practice events as we continue to design a full suite of visitor experience and gathering opportunities that will characterize day-to-day operations following our Grand Opening in June 2023.
Though we would love to have as many partners as possible participate in this testing period, we are limited in the number of groups we can host at this time.
We’d like to thank all of our community partners, members and donors, and supporting stakeholders who have worked tirelessly through the years to bring us to this point. It is time!
For information and updates on our preparations and our Grand Opening, please visit our grand opening FAQs and sign up for our email lists.
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