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Apr 17, 2020

IAAM Board Meets 4/24/2020

The Board of Directors of the International African American Museum will meet on Friday, April 24, 2020 at 2:00 pm. The meeting will be held video conference due to the “stay at home” mandate as a result of the COVID-19 virus.


  1. Call to order and opening remarks
  2. Approval of meeting agenda
  3. Approval of January 17, 2020 and January 27, 2020 meeting minutes
  4. Interim CEO remarks and Program Committee report
  5. Chief Operation Officer report
  6. Remarks and Discussion: What did we learn from our visit to the Legacy Museum and Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama?
  7. Building Committee report​
  8. Fundraising Committee report
  9. Audit Committee report
  10. Finance Committee report
  11. CEO Search Committee update
  12. Faith Based Education and Engagement presentation
  13. Adjournment

NOTE: We encourage you to turn on your video when you join the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting Online

Meeting ID: 630 789 523
Password: 045181

Phone dial-in
        929 205 6099