14 Wharfside StreetCharleston, SC 29401
Museum open 10am to 5pm (last entry 4:00 PM) Tuesday-Sunday. Closed Monday.
14 Wharfside Street — Charleston, SC 29401
Apr 09, 2024
This presentation is for Intermediate to Advanced level enslaved African American researchers. It does not introduce new types of genealogical records or resources for enslaved people – although you will need to be familiar with what these are and where to find them.
The concept is based on asking – and answering – eight (8) questions. Three (3) considerations are covered if an enslaver was a minor child or a sheriff’s sale/auction were part of a pathway.
The aim of the presentation is to conceptualize a research process to better enable researchers of enslaved African American lineages to think about:
1. Identifying who enslaved an ancestor.
2. How enslaved ancestors came to be enslaved by a specific enslaver (or a series of different enslavers) who held them at any given stage during their lifetime.
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