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In preparation of IAAM King- A Day of Service in honor of MLK Day, the International African American Museum will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. For inquiries about the museum, please contact us at [email protected].

Dec 14, 2023

Meet MAAGI The Midwest African American Genealogy Institute (Panel Discussion)

MAAGI The Midwest African American Genealogy Institute logo

Since it’s founding, the Midwest African American Genealogy Institute (MAAGI) has provided an amazing learning experience for genealogists and researchers. The Institute, also known commonly as MAAGI has grown and has taken its place as a trusted educational and training institute.

This webinar focuses on MAAGI’s history and purpose – and the benefits of becoming a MAAGI Member.

Panelists: Angela Walton-Raji, Janis Minor Forte, Dr. Janice Lovelace, and Dr. Shelley Murphy