14 Wharfside StreetCharleston, SC 29401
Museum open 10am to 5pm (last entry 4:00 PM) Tuesday-Sunday. Closed Monday.
14 Wharfside Street — Charleston, SC 29401
Mar 23, 2020
Dear Friend,
Like you, we are deeply concerned about the impact of COVID-19 in Charleston, South Carolina, and throughout the global community. Times like these require courageous inquiry and creative solutions.
As we navigate the uncertainty of this public health dilemma, our highest priority is the health and safety of our community—staff, volunteers, members, museum stakeholders, and area residents. As such, the International African American Museum has placed a moratorium on public programs, volunteer service hours, and non-essential in-person meetings until at least Friday, March 27th.
As a matter of prevention, museum staff have been encouraged to work in a telecommuting capacity. However, we remain in your service and ever-committed to our mission: To honor the untold stories of the African American journey at one of our nation’s most sacred sites.
Rest assured, we will continue to monitor the course of COVID-19 and will keep you apprised of related museum updates. During this season of uncertainty and social distancing, we want you to know that we are in this together. We invite you to continue to stay in touch with the museum virtually in the following ways:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. View highlights from our Groundbreaking Ceremony: https://vimeo.com/373385987 See animations and footage of our sacred site: https://www.buildingiaam.com/
As always, we are eternally grateful for all your support, as we continue to build this important institution. We can’t do it without you—so stay connected and, most importantly, please prioritize your safety and health in the days ahead.
In the spirit of wellness and gratitude,
The International African American Museum Team
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