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Dec 12, 2016

Gregory, J. Oliver to Lizzie Davis, Marriage Notice, 1896, Raleigh, NC

Gregory Davis Marriage 1869 Raleigh NC

The Gregory – Davis Marriage The Most Brilliant Marriage Ever Witnessed in Raleigh

The most brilliant marriage ever witnessed in the city of Raleigh was that of Miss Lizzie Davis of West Raleigh to Mr. J. Oliver Gregory of Philadelphia, Penn.

Long before the bridal party arrived hundreds of anxious friends and admirers of the couple assembled at the First Baptist Church. While hundreds were not able to gain entrance to the church they caught glimpses of the party as they crossed the church lawn to the door forming a long line on each side.

Flora reigned supreme, the church being a complete bower of flowers. The appearance of M. X. Alston of West Raleigh relieved the vast crowd which had been waiting since six o’clock in the afternoon, and as soon as the city clock struck the hour the wedding march
which was composed and dedicated to the bride by Mr. Alston, was performed.

Mr. M. A. Hight, was the first to make his appearance marching stately down the aisles with the license, thence to the vestibule; next came Messrs. Rande Richardson, afterwards Messrs. Hight and Pratt; then Mr. Sanford and Miss C. Thornton; then Mr. Robt. Rodgers and Miss A. M. Alston came gracefully down an opposite aisle, next Mr. Phil Haywood and Miss L. Williams, then the brides maid, Miss Willie Davis, with the groom and lastly the bride, with her usual smile and graceful step, came slowly down the
aisle with Mr. Wade Clark, (best man.) 

After the ceremony had been performed by Rev. P. Hall, the “Vanderbilt Marlbourgh Wedding March” was played for the party to go out. Many valuable and useful presents were presented. Among those who presented presents were: Miss L. B. Walker, Mrs. John Y. Alston, Mrs. Polly Washington, Mrs. Strothers, Mr. Cato Thornton, Miss Nannie Jenkins, Mrs. Fenner, Miss R. V. Ward, Mr. M. A. Height, Mrs. J. C. L. Pulley, Miss A. A. Mack, Miss McVea, Miss Mammie Blacknail, Mrs. R ff King, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCauley, Mrs. Annie Howell, Miss L. Jenkins, Mrs. Henry Walker, Mrs. L. Cheek, Mrs. Mongomery, Mrs. L. Shepard, Miss. Ellen Collins, Mr. Henderson Cross n. Mr. and Mrs. Meek Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robeson, Mrs. L. Brickel, Miss A. Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Dunston, and many others whose names are lost.

Source Citation

The gazette. (Raleigh, N.C.) 18??-1???, December 19, 1896, Image 3. Image provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC. Persistent link: