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May 01, 2018

Found on FamilySearch: Dorchester County, South Carolina Marriage Licenses, ca. 1918-1950

Dorchester County, South Carolina Marriage Licenses, ca. 1918-1950

FamilySearch has digitized 15 microfilms of Dorchester County, South Carolina Marriage Licenses, ca. 1918-1950. The microfilms may be accessed via the FamilySearch catalog here.

To view the microfilms, click on the camera icon to the right of the microfilm description, as in the example below:

Example St Helenas Register

Sample Image


Dorchester County, South Carolina Marriage Licenses, ca. 1918-1950
Dorchester County, South Carolina Marriage Licenses, ca. 1918-1950


These records are not yet part of an indexed collection, so they are not searchable. You will need to read through the microfilm, just as if you were viewing it in a library. The nice thing is that you can now view the microfilm from your own home, anytime, on any of your devices!

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