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Jul 25, 2018

African American Newspapers: The Palmetto Leader Links to Charleston

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The Palmetto Leader covered articles from all over the country, but it also told about the news in Charleston, South Carolina. This African American newspaper revealed stories about churches, universities, and schools. It kept up with the social scene, reported masonic events, and civil right issues.  Memorialzing those who passed on was always done. It was important to read about happenings downstate in Charleston.

One hundred fifty-six pages come up when you search Charleston, but I saw almost a dozen hits on the first page. The Palmetto Leader highlighted the city of Charleston residents throughout the paper. Below are some good examples of what you will find.  In the column “The Old Grey” by Rev. E. Philip Ellis, he wrote an article entitled:  Charleston Ministers Speak. Ministers came together to draft a resolution to close Charleston Mutual Savings Bank:


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Charleston Ministers Speak, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 29 January 1939, Page 2, Column 1,, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina.



If I wanted to learn more I would investigate, Interdenominational Minister’s Union of Charleston, Charleston Mutual Savings Bank, and the bank directors.

The next article is one of several that gives a description of a Sunday service. Rev. W. Ravenel was pastor of Jerusalem Baptist Church:


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Jerusalem Bapt. Church, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 27 May 1939, Page 1, Column 3, < >, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina,


The Charleston NAACP won a “sweeping victory” when a donation was made, and the stipulation was given that Negroes could not use the Charleston Public Library.


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Charleston N. A. A. C. P. Wins Sweeping Victory in Library Case, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 15 December 1928, Page 1, Column 5, <>, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina,


Miss Loraine Moultrie, R.N., was named maternity nurse, and she supervised by Roper Hospital. Her professional services came through Lester Wilson. Her pay came through Community Chest. She graduated from McClennan Hospital and Training School. I would love to find possible records for all this and the Charleston and the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses.


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Maternity Work Nurse Named, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 28 January 1939, Page 3, Column 3, <>, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina, /


Just think, someone purchased meat from this guy. They visited Central Meat Market over on Spring Street.


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Philip H. Horry, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 24 October 1931, Page 2, Column 6,, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina, /



Then there is James R. Moran candidate for Deputy Grand Master. He had approval of all masons, and he has served three successful terms as Worshipful Master of Prince Hall Lodge No. 46:



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James M. Logan: Candidate for Deputy Grand Master, (The Palmetto Leader), Columbia, South Carolina, 10 November 1928, Page 2, Column 3, <>, Historic Newspapers of South Carolina, /



Now you can see how you can learn a little more about someone in a newspaper article. You are able to trace that person in a different newspaper. Then you can take what you learn to search someplace different and find still more!


Sharpen the Saw

Have fun digging up articles in The Palmetto Leader that tell about Charlestonians. Look at what you learn about your ancestor that you did not know before. Use those things as fresh, new ideas to find more on your ancestor. Share your findings with us in our Facebook Group.