14 Wharfside StreetCharleston, SC 29401
Museum open 10am to 5pm (last entry 4:00 PM) Tuesday-Sunday. Closed Monday.
14 Wharfside Street — Charleston, SC 29401
Oct 06, 2017
In yesterday’s post, we presented affidavits concerning the free status of John L. And James Francis, sons of Hagar, a Free Person of Color emancipated by Stewrard Lamboll/Lambol in 1799.
Today, we present affidavits concerning the freedom of two of Hagar’s grandchildren: Sarah Houston and Rose Buckmyer, who were nieces of John L. Francis. Today’s affidavits were made on the same day, April 18, 1848. The same witnesses testified who testified on behalf of John L. and James Lawton.
There is first a certified copy of the manumission certificate made by Steward Lamboll in 1799, then testimony from Wm. Fraser that he saw Steward Lamboll sign the certificate of manumission freeing Sarah Houston and Rose Buckmyer’s grandmother Hagar.
Eliza Kohne then testifies that Lamboll purchased Hagar from Kohne’s father John Neufville in 1799 and subsequently freed Hagar.
Please click on the images below to view larger:
If you find documentation for a free African American ancestor in Charleston, there are several record sets you can consult to pick up a further document trail. Here are some starting points:
Affidavit Concerning the Freedom of John L. Francis and James Francis, Charleston, SC, 1848.
[1] South Carolina, Secretary of State, Miscellaneous records, 1771-1868</span></a>, v. 6A-6B 1844-1849, Affidavit and Certificate Concerning the Freedom of Sarah Houston, <a href=” https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSLV-291W-D?i=359&cat=476811” > </a>, frame 361 of 567, accessed 12 Sep 2017.
[2] South Carolina, Secretary of State, Miscellaneous records, 1771-1868</span></a>, v. 6A-6B 1844-1849, Affidavit and Certificate Concerning the Freedom of Rose Buckmyer, < “ https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSLV-2919-Z?cat=476811 ” > </a>, frame 361 of 567, accessed 12 Sep 2017.
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